
 Fulbright Visiting Scholar at Boston University

Boston, 09.01.2024

I’m happy to spend the next months as a Fulbright Association Visiting Scholar at Boston University – Frederick S. Pardee School of Global Studies (Pardee School). I am looking forward to working with an excellent group of scholars and taking huge steps toward finalizing my dissertation.

The Pardee School not only offers a top-notch academic environment but also an inspiring atmosphere shaped by Boston’s rich history and cultural diversity.

Research Science Communication

Analysis on Germany’s role in the European Defence Fund published

Berlin, 12.12.2023

How does Germany compare to other European countries?

For Europäische Sicherheit & Technik I analyzed Germany’s participation in EDF projects. While there is an increase in Germany’s involvement I argue that Germany is still underperforming with regard to its defense-industrial and economic weight. Furthermore, there is a mismatch between participations in PESCO and in the EDF, which indicates a lack of a comprehensive strategy.

You can find the article „Die Rolle Deutschlands im Europäischen Verteidigungsfonds“ in Europäische Sicherheit & Technik 12/2023, p. 23-26.


Peer-reviewed article published

How do alliance politics and defense-industrial policy connect?

In a new publication for Defence Studies, Kaija Schilde, Jade Guiberteau Ricard, and I argue for rethinking NATO burden-sharing to include defense-industrial policy. The sudden surge in demand for defense material resulting from Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine has brought to light the fault lines within the transatlantic alliance concerning defense-industrial strategies.

Our article builds on contributions to a United States Military Academy at West Point, Department of Social Sciences, USMA seminar earlier this year. 

Find the article here.

Research Science Communication

Guest commentary for the NZZ Neue Zürcher Zeitung

Of the roughly € 100 bn in defense procurement EU countries have contracted since February 2022, 78% have been awarded to non-EU suppliers, according to an IRIS – Institut de Relations Internationales et Stratégiques study by Jean-Pierre Maulny.

In a guest commentary for the NZZ Neue Zürcher Zeitung, Sebastian Hoppe and I explain why this means no good news for European defense efforts and why Europe needs to do more together. We also highlight that a larger US market share in European defense procurement may be preferable for US defense contractors but less so for a more balanced transatlantic alliance.

➡ We conclude by arguing that only the addition of national market shares would allow the Europeans to realize their market power and act like an arms cartel on the global stage. This last point we owe to the argument put forward by Jonathan Caverley for The Wall Street Journal.

You’ll find the article (in German) below.


Research Fellow at the Hertie School

Berlin, 01.09.2023

👨‍🎓 I’m very happy to be spending the next academic year as a Research Fellow at the Hertie School’s Centre for International Security.

As a Research Fellow, I will interact with the Centre’s academic community and present my Ph.D. research on European missile acquisition.

Here’s the link.

Science Communication

Contribution for the open science platform te.ma

What are the implications of Russia’s war in Ukraine for the EU defense industry?
How does this peculiar industry work in general?
I address these questions in a cluster for the open science platform te.ma.

I argue that 3 areas of tension characterize the field:
(1) competing visions on EU strategic autonomy,
(2) the preservation of national sovereignty, and
(3) the security dependency on the USA.

The special input (in German) synthesizes much of my ongoing dissertation work on the EU defense industry or rather industries.


Morgenthau Fellowship at University of Notre Dame

South Bend (IN), 01.08.2022

👨‍🎓 Between August 2022 and July 2023, I was a Hans J. Morgenthau Fellow at the University of Notre Dame’s International Security Center.

The Fellowship started with a one-week seminar on grand strategy in South Bend. Our cohort met again in June 2023 in Brussels for staff rides to battlefields such as Waterloo, Ypres, and the Ardennes. We concluded the year by teaching grand strategy to participants of the John Quincy Adams Society’s summer program in Washington, DC in July 2023.

Here are some insights.