Science Communication

Contribution for the open science platform

What are the implications of Russia’s war in Ukraine for the EU defense industry?
How does this peculiar industry work in general?
I address these questions in a cluster for the open science platform

I argue that 3 areas of tension characterize the field:
(1) competing visions on EU strategic autonomy,
(2) the preservation of national sovereignty, and
(3) the security dependency on the USA.

The special input (in German) synthesizes much of my ongoing dissertation work on the EU defense industry or rather industries.


Morgenthau Fellowship at University of Notre Dame

South Bend (IN), 01.08.2022

👨‍🎓 Between August 2022 and July 2023, I was a Hans J. Morgenthau Fellow at the University of Notre Dame‘s International Security Center.

The Fellowship started with a one-week seminar on grand strategy in South Bend. Our cohort met again in June 2023 in Brussels for staff rides to battlefields such as Waterloo, Ypres, and the Ardennes. We concluded the year by teaching grand strategy to participants of the John Quincy Adams Society’s summer program in Washington, DC in July 2023.

Here are some insights.