Research Science Communication

Analysis on the EU’s Defence Industrial Strategy (EDIS) published

Berlin, 2024-04-05

How can the EU’s Defence Industrial Strategy (EDIS) contribute to European defence?

For Europäische Sicherheit & Technik, I took a closer look at the EU’s Defence Industrial Strategy (EDIS) published last month. My analysis suggests that the Commission should refrain from political symbolism in the form of a Defence Commissioner as this would probably be another EU defence institution in an overcrowded but underutilized field. Instead, leveraging its regulatory prowess the EU should focus on fostering a conducive regulatory environment for the European Defence Technological and Industrial Base (EDTIB) to flourish.

You can find the article “Europäische Rüstungsindustriestrategie” in Europäische Sicherheit & Technik, 04/2024, p. 87-88.

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